It's been 'sweet mixed with chaos' this past week, having some genuine quality time with my girls. Since they are off from school for spring break (which takes on a whole new meaning in about 12-15 years ;)) and my work schedule is relatively flexible, I have been home with them sporadically. As this results in equal parts 'good, bad and ugly', it's been interesting. I spend a good deal of my time in their presence observing from a safe distance. And perhaps from a combination of refereeing and fielding copious hugs, this girl is definitely getting punchy.
Case in point: while driving in the car a few days ago, the girls begin a discussion in the backseat about names. My 8 year old comments that the name 'Justin' is kind of funny because it also sounds like 'just in' 'just in time', 'just in case'. "Right, Mom?", I hear repeatedly from my seat at the wheel. Once we get off this kick, my 4 year old chimes in, "like Justin Beaver, right Mommy?".
While the oldest tries in vain to get the youngest to say the Pop Prince's name correctly, my 15-year-old-male-sense-of-humor starts to tick off the combo...'just in beaver'...'just in beaver'...
Neither girl understood why Mommy was laughing silently with tears rolling down her cheeks. That's in another 12-15 years too, I hope.